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A member registered Jun 09, 2020

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thank you so much for this beautiful, hopeful game <3 <3 <3 and for the precious reminder that we don't always have to do everything by ourselves or face anything alone, and that it's okay to rely on others and be helped <3  I love your work so much and am so happy to be able to play another game by you! :D (also, the music/song by Cable Ties at the end of the game absolutely rocks, it makes me feel so free <3) thank you!!!!!

(1 edit)

I just finished the demo and am going to start it up again in just a moment to try out different dialogue options and to experience it once more--but I wanted to write this first! I loved playing through the game--I felt so many things! I was anxious (for the Unnamed, for what might happen to them, for what has happened to them [which made me wish to know more about them and their past!], and worried about the world they exist in), I was proud (of the Unnamed, in the way I strive to be proud of myself as an lgbtq+ person, too), I was charmed (by the sharp dialogue, the poetry, the choices you can make, the really enjoyable and haunting music, and the gorgeous pixel art), I was terrified (at the end...) and also so moved. I feel so invested in the game, the Unnamed themself, the story, and where everything is going to go! I think the demo works well as a stand-alone piece (as you’ve stated it could be played as~) but am going to wait (with bated breath and extreme excitement--) for anything that could be next <3 thank you so much for sharing such an important game (and character, and story, and emotions!) with all of us. <3 <3 <3 

thank you so, so much for this absolutely stunning game <3 <3 <3